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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

go outside :: lovely photography by Nathaniel Reinhart

since today is not the best of days to stare at the sky (it's kinda dreary here in NC)...I thought I would share some images of the outdoors to get you inspired about taking some time off (or at least a five minute daydream) to visit somewhere lovely.

Here is what he has to say about his works on flickr:
"I feel like I have always viewed the world through a frame. This started long before I seriously picked up a camera. I was a kid, bored in the car, and I'd watch the scenery fly by, consciously composing a frame in my mind. It was during these car rides that I learned how to recognize the beautiful in the everyday and to isolate the unique by framing out the ordinary. Years later, when I started taking pictures, I found myself going through the exact same processes I had when I was younger."

"I take most of my pictures outside, rarely from the backseat of a car anymore. I haven't stopped framing the world though, if anything I do it more."

"Photography has taken me to some amazing places I wouldn't have gone if I wasn't trying to take a picture of it. 

"It has taught me to slow down and appreciate nature and beauty. It has shown me the beauty of the everyday world around us." 

 "It has pulled me out of bed for many sunrises I never would have seen." 

"It has shown me God's goodness and the beauty of his creation."

to see more of his photography please visit his flickr page here.


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